Yearly Archives: 2003

Anagrams by the Free Software Foundation

Do you know anagrams? This GNU page features some pretty funny ones. I like these two best :):


And of course:

Original: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” -Neil Armstrong
The Anagram: “A thin man ran; makes a large stride, left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!

BBspot – SCO Must Prove Existence of Santa Claus in Thirty Days

BBspot has a funny post starting like this:

Supreme Court Judge Isaiah Moore ruled that SCO must
show proof of Santa Claus in the next 30 days, or he will dismiss
their lawsuit against all Christians and companies profiting from
the Christmas holiday.

SCO, formerly known as Santa Cruz Operations, recently changed their name to Santa Claus Operations…


Zutaten für 3 Personen
1 unbehandelte Orange
1 unbehandelte Zitrone
2 l einfacher Rotwein
500 ml Orangensaft
1 Stange Zimt
6 Gewürznelken
4 Sternanis
1 Zuckerhut
35 cl Rum (54 Vol.-%)

1. 1/2 Orange in Scheiben schneiden. Schale der Zitrone dünn abschneiden, beides beiseite legen. Restliche Früchte auspressen.
2. Rotwein in einem Topf erhitzen. Gesamten Fruchtsaft durch ein Sieb gieÃ

Google searches

LOL, for some fun check out the first found link in google for:

I hope by the time you do these searches, the results will still be the same. Very funny 😀

UPDATE: The results have changed. Check google bomb on wikipedia which conserved e.g. this screenshot:

Screenshot of a google search for “Miserable Failure” back than.

B. Gates comdex speeches

I just read an article in The Economist (Nov 22nd-28th 2003, p.70) commenting on Bill Gates’ key note speech at Comdex and comparing it with his first in 1983:

“As Mr Gates spoke, his father operated the slide projector. Some slides appeared upside down; others were fogged with condensation.”