Monthly Archives: September 2003

Anonymous file sharin

Mmmh, when I got interested in Freenet back in 2000, this was about the only project for anonymous and decentralized publishing and retrieving of data. I have taken part, contributed a bit and followed the project in general. However, despite having a paid fulltime developer for more than a year now, I am a bit disappointed with the state in which freenet is today. Looking around for alternatives today, it seems that I missed a whole bunch of parallel projects started to achieve the same. Some have been inspired by Freenet, but some we “conceived around the same time” (mnet).

So, there are: grapevine, entropy, mnet, gnunet,… and of course similar networks like invisible IRC at various stages of development. What a pity to see so much brain power working on redundant projects. But then, hey, choice is good 🙂

Conference in Amsterdam

Stefan and I take part in the conference on communities and technologies in amsterdam, september 19-21. the day before the main conference, the organizers are holding a series of workshops, each with a different focus. we will be joining the one on open source software movements and communities with our research project on knowledge reuse in open source projects. i do hope, the high conference fees will be offset by a few opportunities to see the city of amsterdam! (credits to stefan for the text which is shamelessly ripped from his blog entry :-))
I am going to present a draft of our next project. Let’s see what feedback we get…


*Sigh* every body hates examinations, I guess. Me too, even if other people have to write them…

…and I have to correct them. 8 Binders full of collective brainpower wait to be judged by me. Well, I better have another coffee first. (makes me wonder whether I need a to include a daily # of consumed coffees display on this blog :-))