Monthly Archives: October 2005

Dr. oec.

Yay, finally finished my PhD (or more correctly, my doctoral degree). Bow before me and call me: Dr. oec. (oeconomiae) (= Doktor der Wirtschafts- / Verwaltungswissenschaften) 😛

Von Wikipedia:

Der Anteil der Promovierten an der GesamtbevÃ

A Theory of Convention

“Convention generalizes precedent to situations where one lacks shared experience, but knows that everybody involved is a member of the same community. An observable regularity in the behaviour of members of a community in a recurrant situation is a convention if it is customary, expected, and mutually consistent, compare (Lewis (1969) and Young (1993).”

from 1997, John B. Van Huyck, Raymond C. Battalio, and Frederick W. Rankin, ON THE ORIGIN OF CONVENTION: EVIDENCE FROM COORDINATION GAMES, The Economic Journal 107 (May), 576-696, Blackwell Publishers.
Lewis, David. 1969. Convention: a Philosophical Study. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Swiss soccer

Had to decide whether to watch Germany-China or Switzerland-Ireland in the soccer world championchip qualification. Should I support my native team (Germany) ? I decided they’d probably suck, so I watched Switzerland.
Turned out to be the right choice: Great game, while Germany (although they won) is said to have been playing lousy. What a surprise….