Monthly Archives: April 2007

Saint-Jacques… La Mecque

Yesterday we did something completely new: we went to our local cinema in Dübendorf and watched a movie: Saint-Jacques… La Mecque.

It is about 2 brothers and a sister, hating each other, who have to do the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela together in order to inherit money of their mother. It is a nice film, using very aestetic images. Crazy dreams, and funny anecdotes complement moving and sad scenes. It is a film where each character has its own sets of problems he needs to deal with… and of course… has overcome their problem by the end of the film. Nevertheless, I can recommend that film.

Das Leben der Anderen

Gestern haben wir “Das Leben der Anderen” gesehen. Ein beindruckender Film. Traurig und bewegend, aber sehr gut. Obwohl ich auf der anderen Seite des Zaunes gelebt habe, spiegelt der Film das Leben in der DDR ziemlich gut dar. Und lässt einen nachdenklich werden wenn man die gleichen Argumentationen und Praktiken in heutigen politische Situationen sieht.
Sehr empfehlenswert!!!

Das Leben der Anderen

Gestern haben wir “Das Leben der Anderen” gesehen. Ein beindruckender Film. Traurig und bewegend, aber sehr gut. Obwohl ich auf der anderen Seite des Zaunes gelebt habe, spiegelt der Film das Leben in der DDR ziemlich gut dar. Und lässt einen nachdenklich werden wenn man die gleichen Argumentationen und Praktiken in heutigen politische Situationen sieht.
Sehr empfehlenswert!!!

Play it again, Sam

I am proud owner of a keyboard now. No, not the type you use with your computer, but a real one, for making music! :-). Yay, I always wanted to have one, but never got one. Modern keyboards sound quite nice and have cheesy learning programs which will analyze your playing and applaude or boo and show you the parts that you should practice most. etc…

Very cool. You can call me Mr. “Twinkle, twinkle little star” now. The keyboard thinks I am doing great already. I haven’t dared ask Almut yet, she always runs away when I plug it in.

Play it again, Sam

I am proud owner of a keyboard now. No, not the type you use with your computer, but a real one, for making music! :-). Yay, I always wanted to have one, but never got one. Modern keyboards sound quite nice and have cheesy learning programs which will analyze your playing and applaude or boo and show you the parts that you should practice most. etc…

Very cool. You can call me Mr. “Twinkle, twinkle little star” now. The keyboard thinks I am doing great already. I haven’t dared ask Almut yet, she always runs away when I plug it in.

I’m back

I enjoyed a week of Easter holiday on the North Sea island Spiekeroog. It was very nice, except that I fell ill and had to spent 3 days in bed. On the way back we visited a friend of Almut in Hannover (hello Almuth!!) before flying back.

Wow, it’s incredible how many e-mails arrive when you are not looking :-). Working through these now.

On a unrelated note: our University server (uptime of 420 days) will need to be rebooted to upgrade to the new Debian release. *sigh*

Searching the computer with tracker

Tracker is a file indexer. It let’s you search your files wherever they are stored. Good buy, directory hierarchies! If you ever used Apple’s spotlight, you’ll know what I talk about.

Now, one cool thing is that you can integrate tracker search into the deskbar applet of your GNOME desktop. It works flawlessly. The necessary plugin handler code for the deskbar applet can be found this blog entry.
UPDATE: There is an official plugin in the tracker repository

It survived !

Pheww, my good old trusty vServer running this domain had an uptime of 160 days without reboot. I never rebooted simply because there was no reason, but also because I had changed the underlying OS from Suse to Gentoo Linux and was not sure whether it would reliably restart. So I was a little concerned when I got a mail from my provider, that they would have to modify the underlying server and restart. But, thanks to the magical penguin powers, everything seems to have worked fine.
Now my uptime is down from 160 days to 5 minutes again.

P.S. Totally Unrelated factoid: The next academic using Linux Counter to illustrate how widespread Linux really is, is going to be degraded by me to undergrad status again.

Knut der Bär

Gestern berichtete die NZZ am Sonntag, dass der berliner Eisbär Knut von Umweltminister Sigmar Gabriel zum Symbol des Klimaschutzes erklärt wurde und nun auf Europatournee geht: Zürich, Rom, Paris, London. Schon am nächsten Tag solle der Bär in der Stadtmitte von Zürich zu sehen sein. Da ich Politikern alles zutraue, bin ich voll reingefallen. April, April.

Master Thesis

Gestern abend um 23:00 am 1. April hat Almut ihre Masterthesis abgeschickt. kein Aprilscherz! Es ist vollbracht! Glückwünsche. Jetzt dauert es bis Mitte April, bis sie Bescheid bekommt, ob sie bestanden hat oder nicht. Im Mai wird sie dann ihre Verteidigung in Eastbourne haben und ich werde teilnehmen… Noch habe ich mir keine gemeinen Fragen ausgedacht, aber das fällt mir sicherlich leicht.