Monthly Archives: April 2008


Letztes Wochenende waren wir in Hannover und Gütersloh. Es war schön zu sehen, wo und wie er wohnt, und dass die Strandkörbe in Hannover sehr bequem sind :-).

Nicos Konfirmation war ein richtiges Familientreffen und war ebenfalls sehr nett. Eines der Highlights waren der ferngesteuerte Hubschrauber und Motorflieger, die Wolfram und ich für insgesamt 30 Euro bei Conrad Electronic gekauft haben. (den Flieger mussten wir erst mal unter Aufbietung aller Geschicklichkeit und Wolframs Schnürsenkel aus 5 Meter Höhe aus einem Baum holen).

OOXML specification full of XML errors

How can you accept a standard where even the document containing the specification doesn’t adhere to it?

A test of the docx file that contains the OOXML specification revealed 122,000 XML errors.

The European Commission started to examine the process that led to the acceptance of OOXML as an ISO standard. Meanwhile the German Foreign Ministry refuses to accept OOXML as a standard. So it’s clearly not only geeks that are concerned.

Found via

Norway backflips on its own vote

From zdnet: Norway’s national standards body has lodged a formal protest over its own vote on Office Open XML (OOXML) at the ISO.

The chairman of the Norway’s standards committee said there were “serious irregularities” with the voting process and that the vote should be changed to oppose ISO certification of Open XML.

In the letter, sent on Monday to the ISO, Steve Pepper, chairman of the Norwegian mirror committee to the ISO, asked that Norway’s vote be suspended pending the results of an investigation.

“I wish to inform you of serious irregularities in connection with the Norwegian vote on ISO/IEC DIS 29500 (Office Open XML) and to lodge a formal protest,” wrote Pepper in a statement to the international standards body.

The statement continued: “You will have been notified that Norway voted to approve OOXML in this ballot. This decision does not reflect the view of the vast majority of the Norwegian committee, 80 percent of which was against changing Norway’s vote from No with comments to Yes.”