Monthly Archives: April 2009

Ich bin in der Zeitung

ETH Life ist das Hausjournal der ETH Zürich. Jeden Tag erscheinen 3-4 Artikel auf der Homepage der ETH. Heute sind Georg von Krogh und ich dran. Unsere Forschung zum Nokia Projekt wird für Laien auf Deutsch vorgestellt. Jippieh!

Warum Freiwillige gratis für Nokia programmieren

Für ein neues Gerät liess Nokia Programmteile von freiwilligen Entwicklern entwerfen. Diese arbeiteten gratis, dafür musste Nokia Einblick in Betriebsgeheimnisse gewähren. Eine ETH-Studie untersucht, ob das eine Win-win-Situation für beide ist und welche Motivation für beide Parteien dahinter steckt.

Why I love Open Source

I use the open source program R for doing statistics. In one study, I use the package SEM for doing a “Structural Equation Model” and I was just not able to get something specific done (factor scores for latent variables). Well, what do you do? I sent a mail to the R help mailing list and got a reply “What you want to get done is currently not possible with SNA. But it is a reasonable request.”

A few weeks later I receive a personal reply from the author of the SEM package, John Fox, a sociology professor at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. He wrote:

Dear Tomek and Sebastian,

Both of you inquired recently about getting factor scores for latent variables in the sem package in R. I’ve added a function named fscores() to
the development version of the package, which will compute either factor-score coefficients or the factor scores themselves.
I’ve added a function named fscores() to the development version of the package, which will compute either factor-score coefficients or the factor scores themselves.

The development version of sem is hosted on R-Forge, where packages are built daily. You should be able to install sem from R-Forge tomorrow
(Tuesday), via the command install.packages(“sem”, repos=””).


This is one reason for embracing the open source development model. Way to go, and… thanks John.