Yearly Archives: 2005

Swiss soccer

Had to decide whether to watch Germany-China or Switzerland-Ireland in the soccer world championchip qualification. Should I support my native team (Germany) ? I decided they’d probably suck, so I watched Switzerland.
Turned out to be the right choice: Great game, while Germany (although they won) is said to have been playing lousy. What a surprise….

Just Married

I became got married on September 3rd. Are we not a pretty couple 🙂 ? It was pretty exiting and turned out to be a great party. Pictures of that event are starting to trickle in and we are looking forward to see some more.


Vor anderthalb Wochen sind wir umgezogen. Seit heute habe ich endlich wieder Internet zuhause. Puhh, die Zivilisation hat mich wieder 🙂

Unsere neue Adresse: ZÃ

A Story of Over 50,000 Words Without Using the Letter “E” by Ernest Vincent Wright

Gadsby- A Story of Over 50,000 Words Without Using the Letter “E” by Ernest Vincent Wright

introduction by the author

THE ENTIRE MANUSCRIPT of this story was written with the E type-bar of the typewriter tied down; thus making it impossible for that letter to be printed. This was done so that none of that vowel might slip in, accidentally; and many did try to do so!

The full story is online here


Habe mir eine deutsche Handy-prepaidkarte zugelegt. Von Simyo. Falls jemand sich sort anmeldet kann er gerne meine E-mailadresse zum Zweck der “Freundschaftswerbung” angeben. Ich kriege dann 5 Euro :-). Die deutsche Handynummer brauche ich im September wenn ich wÃ

Sipura 3000,13657675
And now (drum roll), how to forward all inbound calls to the OTHER line:
This is VERY USEFUL, because it either lets you have a TWO VoIP accounts that both “ring” the same phone, OR lets you use one account for all incoming, and a 2nd account for all outgoing (by putting the “phone” on the line with the outgoing VoIP service, and then forwarding all incoming calls on that other VoIP line to that one)!

NOTE: This theory was tested earlier this evening, by forwarding my SPA-2000’s “Line 1” (setup for FWD) to “Line 2” (setup for, and then calling my FWD number from Packet8. After I finally got all the pieces in place, my “Line 2” was happy to “ring”, and when I picked up that phone 2-way talking worked fine! So this appears to work (at least for me). But naturally YMMV.

Here are the needed pieces:

1) As in the previous “trick”, you need unique SIP ports and unique userids for the two lines. NOTE: It’s quite OK to use whatever “userid” the provider on that line supplied (for logging into their SIP proxy). You don’t need the UserId set to any specific value, just something unique!

2) Again, the line you are forwarding from will need “Make call without reg: Yes”, and the line you want to forward to will need “Ans Call Without Reg: Yes”.

3) If you are behind a router (I am), you will need to forward the SIP port of the line you want to ring (the line you are forwarding to) to the SPA. This is probably much easier if you program the SPA for a “static LAN IP” (instead of using DHCP).

4) Your external address will need to either be “static”, _OR_ you will need to use a dynamic DNS service (btw: I’m happy with the free dynamic DNS service from Ã