Author Archives: Sebastian Spaeth

About Sebastian Spaeth

Sebastian Späth, professor, father, husband. This is my private blog and all content is my own opinion. I toot via mastodon/activitypub at I also have an "official" work account at And last but not least you can subscribe to my blog via RSS/Atom feed or in your mastodon instance as

How to resolve stuck MatrixRTC calls

This applies only to new MatrixRTC (aka element-call) calls, not to jitsi-widget-based calls and not to “old-style” direct 1:1 calls.

The problem

You’ve got an ongoing element-call, despite no one really being in it. It is stuck and you cannot end it. In Element-Web’s room list this looks like this:


Step 1: Open devtools

In Element-Web, open devtools by typing /devtools in the room’s chat text box and hitting <ENTER> twice:

You should now see the rooms devtools dialog:

⏵Click on Explore Room State.

Step 2: Check Room states

Below, you can see the room state. In this case, there is a state for and a state for, these relate to element-call.

As long as there are active members in a call, your client will deduce that there is an ongoing call. So you “just” need to remove the members. Slight complication: for technical reasons, you can never remove a state, you can only update it. Therefore we need to update the call members to have an empty state.
⏵Click on the button

Step 3a: Remove members

You can now see everyone who ever participated in a call (not only those who are currently active). You see that a few alter egos of me have been talking to each other in this room (should I be concerned?)

⏵Click on each member entry, the dialog will be looking something like this:

The above case is a joined (=active) member in a call, as the "content": {} section is not empty. For some members, the content might already be empty ({}). These are not part of the call anymore and we can ignore these entries.

If the "content": {} section is non-empty (there is stuff within these brackets), click Edit and empty it:

⏵Hit Send and go Back. Rinse and repeat for all active members. If none is left, the call should automatically stop showing up as being active in Element-Web.

Step 3b (optional?): Remove the “”

From the Room state explorer, open up the state, mine looked something like this:

and Edit it, setting the content to empty, that is just empty bracket: {}. It should look something like this:

⏵Hit Send. I am not sure that Step 3b is actually needed, but it certainly did not hurt.

Additional Recommendations

Delayed events

Usually calls should be properly terminated when people leave it, but in some cases (closing browser tab, connection disrupted,…) things might get stuck. To solve this, “delayed events” have been introduced in synapse, which provide kind of a dead man’s switch:

If you don’t update the delayed event regularly, your presence from the call will automatically be removed after a while. Delayed events are not enabled by default in synapse yet, you need to do so manually by setting:

# enable delayed events, so we quit calls that are interrupted somehow
max_event_delay_duration: 24h

in your homeserver.yaml. There is no downside to enabling them, so I recommend that everyone does.

Please send corrections and improvement suggestions to me. I usually hang out in the “Element web” and “Element-X-Android” matrix rooms. But I refuse unsolicited DM requests, so please ping me in one of the rooms.

MatrixRTC aka Element-call setup (Geek warning)

This is another geeky and technical post detailing how to get Matrix VOIP running as a self-hosted service. This is about setting up the SFU or Selective Forwarding Unit, that is the VOIP backend driving your self-hosted matrixRTC instance. For any MatrixRTC call these are the components involved:

  1. A matrix homeserver where you have control over the .well-known/matrix/client file. Its installation is not described here.
  2. An instance of the element-call widget (the frontend of element-call). I chose not to self-host this for now and am simply using the provided Self-hosting this would be possible and e.g. neccessary if your country/ISP blocks requests to
  3. lk-jwt-service: A small go binary providing auth tokens
  4. Livekit: The SFU or Selective Forwarding Unit. It takes a video/audio stream and multiplexes it to those users who need it. This way, users in a video conference do not need to send media to ALL other participants (which does NOT scale).
  5. A few rules poking holes into your firewall to make livekit work.
  6. Nginx proxying a few routes from livekit and lk-lwt-service to
  7. The livekit-provided TURN server. I have enabled it, but not verified that/if it actually works.


My main domain is, the homeserver lives on, and everything livekit-related lives on I install this on a Debian server using a mix of local services and docker images. OK. Let’s start.

1. Homeserver configuration

You need to enable this in your config:

  #room previews
  msc3266_enabled: true
# enable delayed events, so we quit calls that are interrupted somehow
max_event_delay_duration: 24h

2. Define the Element Call widget

First, when you start a video call, the Element Web or Element X Android/Ios clients (EW/EXA/EXI) look up where they load the element calls widget from. This is configured on Just create a small text file containing:

{"call": {"widget_url": ""}}

Modify this if you self-host element call. I was told that the long-term plan is to include a bundled element-call widget with clients in the future. So, this might be a temporary thing. But nothing is as permanent as a stopgap solution as we all know… 😉

3. Telling the participants which SFU to use

Second, we need to tell the clients which SFU to use. This is done by adding

 {"type": "livekit",
  "livekit_service_url": ""}]

to Strictly speaking, this will query the lk-jwt-service at, which will return the livekit SFU intance together with an JWT SFU access token. The current alogorithm is to use the SFU of the oldest participant (the one who started the call).

4. lk-jwt-service

It generates JWT tokens with a given identity for a given room, so that users can use them to authenticate against LiveKit SFU. I dabbled with creating a docker image for this, but that was too complicated for me. Given it is a single binary, I compiled it locally and just run it on the Debian server. This is how to do it:

a) Checkout the git repo at, I put it into /opt/lk-jwt-service.
b) With a go compiler installed, compile it: /usr/lib/go-1.22/bin/go build -o lk-jwt-service (use just “go” instead of the full path if go it is in your PATH). If this suceeds, you’ll end up with the binary lk-jwt-service as a result. If you execute it from a shell, it will output: LIVEKIT_KEY, LIVEKIT_SECRET and LIVEKIT_URL environment variables must be set and exit.

Next, I create a systemd service to start it automatically: Note the values from LIVEKIT_SECRET and LIVEKIT_KEY which need to be taken from the livekit configuration.

Description=LiveKit JWT Service

P.S. Yes, it would be more elegant to include those environment variables in a separate file than hardcoding them in the service file.
P.P.S. Note, that I am running this on port 8081 instead of the default 8080 because 8080 is already in use on this box.

Last but not least, you need to proxy the output of two routes (/sfu/get and /healthz) on The nginx rules are in the nginx section.

If you enable and start the lk-jwt-service via systemctl, you should be able to open in a web browser and get an empty webpage (aka HTTP STATUS 200). For testing purposes you can also start the service manually and observe its output by executing (in 1 line!): LIVEKIT_URL=wss:// LIVEKIT_SECRET=this_is_a_secret_from_the_livekit.yaml LIVEKIT_KEY=this_is_a_key_from_the_livekit.yaml LK_JWT_PORT=8081 /opt/lk-jwt-service/lk-jwt-service

5. livekit

I installed this one via precompiled docker and did not do the “Just execute this shell script as root and trust us”™.

I generated in initial configuration file using the livekit/generate imageand pruned most of the resulting stuff, as I do not run caddy for instance, and I do not want these scripts to be installing packages and stuff on my main host.

5.1 Generating the initial configuration

docker pull livekit/generate
docker run --rm -it -v$PWD:/output livekit/generate

The above creates a folder with the name of domain you provided, containing the following files: caddy.yaml, docker-compose.yaml, livekit.yaml, redis.conf,

I discarded most of the above (but built on the resulting livekit.yaml and docker-compose.yaml). I found particularly useful that it creates an API key and secret in livekit.yaml.

5.2 Final configuration and setup

This is my docker-compose.yaml file that I ended up using in order to built my livekit image:

    image: livekit/livekit-server:latest
    command: --config /etc/livekit.yaml
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: "host"
      - ./livekit.yaml:/etc/livekit.yaml
      - /run/redis/redis-server.sock:/run/redis.sock

Running docker-compose up --no-start resulted in this output

Creating livekitsspaethde_livekit-docker_1 … done

This is my /etc/systemd/system/livekit.service file to get livekit started:

Description=LiveKit Server Container

# start -a attaches STDOUT/STDERR so we get log output and prevents forking
ExecStart=docker start -a livekitsspaethde_livekit-docker_1
ExecStop=docker stop livekitsspaethde_livekit-docker_1


This is my final livekit.yaml config file

port: 7880
    - ""
    tcp_port: 7881
    port_range_start: 50000
    port_range_end: 60000
    use_external_ip: true
    enable_loopback_candidate: false
    enabled: true
    # without a load balancer this is supposed to be port 443, and I am not using this, as my port 443 is occupied.
    tls_port: 5349
    udp_port: 3478
    external_tls: true
    # KEY: secret were autogenerated by livekit/generate
    # in the lk-jwt-service environment variables
    APIXCVSDFldksef: DLKlkddfgkjldhjkndfjkldfgkkldkdflkfdglk

5.3 Firewall rules

I allow inbound ports=7881/tcp and 3478,50000:60000/udp and these ports never go through the nginx proxy.

6. nginx configuration

I am not sure if all of those proxy headers actually need to be set, but they don’t hurt. These

proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

are actually important though (they enable the switch from https to websocket)!

server {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/;
    listen ssl;
    listen [dead:beef:dead:beef:dead:beef:dead:beef]:443 ssl;
    ssl_certificate XXXX;
    ssl_certificate_key XXXX;

    # This is lk-jwt-service
    location ~ ^(/sfu/get|/healthz) {
        proxy_pass http://[::1]:8081;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    #and this is livekit
    location / {
       proxy_pass http://localhost:7880;
       proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
       proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
       #add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" always;

       proxy_set_header Host $host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
       proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

Bonus section (optional): testing your setup can be used to test your livekit setup. You “just need to catch a room token from the jwt service. I do that by starting a call in a room with the FIrefox dev console open (network), filtering for “livekit” and catch the following line:
connecting to wss://

You can then go to, enter wss:// as Livekit url and the long access token as room token. This will test, whether livekit is reachable, all ports are open, TURN is enabled and working etc…

TL;DR: Matrix & Nextcloud setup (geek warning)

This is the BARE minimum of the specific configuration of my setup. Read the detailed setup post here.


Synapse runs locally on port 8008 and is served on The only change needed, is to set up MAS as the OIDC server. I put the below in a separate OIDC.yaml file in the conf.d subdirectory of my synapse config:

    enabled: true
    # Matches the `client_id` in the MAS config
    client_id: 00000000000000000SYNAPSE00
    # Matches the `client_auth_method` in the MAS config
    client_auth_method: client_secret_basic
    # Matches the `client_secret` in the MAS config
    client_secret: 1234CLIENTSECRETHERE56789
    # Matches the `matrix.secret` in the MAS config
    admin_token: 0x97531ADMINTOKENHERE13579


MAS runs locally on port 8080 and is served on Below are snippets that I either added to or where I modified the defaults in config.yaml.

# Set up the client talking to Synapse.
  - client_id: 00000000000000000SYNAPSE00
    client_auth_method: client_secret_basic
    client_secret: 1234CLIENTSECRETHERE56789
# Tell MAS about Synapse and how to talk locally to it:
  secret: 0x97531ADMINTOKENHERE13579
  endpoint: http://localhost:8008/

This should be OK for local password auth through MAS, but the next section is what I added to configure Nextcloud as an upstream OIDC provider:

    # Note, above value is used in the Nextcloud config in the Redirection URI
    human_name: Nextcloud
    issuer: ""
    client_id: "THISISMYLONGANDSECRETNEXTCLOUDCLIENTID" # needs to be configured in the Nextcloud OIDC settings
    client_secret: "THISISMYLONGANDSECRETNEXTCLOUDCLIENSECRET" # needs to be configured in the Nextcloud OIDC settings
    token_endpoint_auth_method: "client_secret_post"
    scope: "openid profile email"
          action: require
          template: "{{ user.preferred_username }}"
          action: suggest
          template: "{{ }}"
          action: suggest
          template: "{{ }}"
          set_email_verification: import
# Only allow upstream IdP, no local passwords
  enabled: false


The OpenID Connect app/plugin adds the central config option OpenID Connect clients. In this I have set:

# Redirect URI uses the upstream_oauth2->providers->id value from my MAS config
Redirection URI:
Signing Algorithm: RS256
Type: confidential
Flows: Code & Implicit Authorization Flow
Limited to Groups: matrix # my choice to only allow specific users to log in.

That was simple wasn’t it? Again, this is just specific config changes to all components to get things running. Check out the detailed post on my setup and nginx proxy configuration.

Matrix server with Nextcloud login

This is a pretty geeky description of my matrix homeserver setup using Matrix-authentication-service and Nextcloud as the authentication source. It might be useful to others or future me. If not interested in technical details, please skip this post. A minimal version highlighting just the necessary configuration can be found in this TL;DR post. This is the slightly extended version explaining my setup.

Continue reading

Blue Man Group

Been at a show in Chicago, what an event. We had seats in the first row and were greeted with rain coats that we were supposed to put on (so much for nice evening outfits). And what a show! It is hard to describe as it was a firework of ideas. Pantomime, acrobatics, humor, and lots of liquid color. Mix in lots of interactivity with the audience (and pulling aufience members on stage)
P.S. I really need to start practicing catching Marshmallows with my mouth. It is an underdeveloped skill.

Sebastian Spaeth


Das erste Mal seit 5 Jahren wieder in den USA, und es ist schon beeindruckend. Ich war noch nie vorher in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota. Der mit dem Wolf tanzt-Vibes. Aber auch tragisch und interessant, wie mit Indianern und ihrer Geschichte umgegangen wird.

Cycling is dangerous

Biked to work this Monday. When crossing the street on a dedicated bike lane, a bus coming from the left hit me with its front corner. Fortunately, it threw me to the side and not in front under the bus. Lucky me!!!

P.S. yes, the traffic lights were green for me.

Lives used: 1 Lives left: 8

Sebastian Spaeth


Fertig zum großen Osterfeuer in Volksdorf, wo ich morgen wieder einmal etliche tausend Bratwürste und hundert Kilo Pommes verputzen, ähh, verkaufen werde.