* http://soma.fm groovy sounds. I like it a lot
* http://radioparadise.com more mainstream rock, pop, oldies. Very nice
* http://www.dradio.de/aod/html/ Onlinearchiv des Deutschlandfunk
* http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/ BBC radio on demand online archive
* http://www.progrock.com/ Progrssive rock online radio
Web radios with taste correlation (to play what the user likes)
* http://www.last.fm/
* http://irate.sourceforge.net/
* http://gnomoradio.org/
Non-evil music downloads
* http://magnatune.com shareware model shop
* http://www.novatune.de/ Fair trade shop
* http://www.mindawn.com/ listen 3 times before buying. Download in ogg or flac file format
* http://allofmp3.com cheap russian web shop
* http://weblisten.com spanish(?) web shop with time based download flat rates. Never tried so far.