Brusoni Seminar on Uetliberg

Today, I participate in a seminar organised by Stefano Brusoni, in which several high profile innovation researchers present work in progress and discuss it. In a way, it is like our Brown bag seminar series, but with 10 of them in one go, rather than spread out over the year. This is going to be an exhausting day. The list of people is really incredible and it is nice to meet people like Francesco Rullani, Lars Frederiksen, Marc Gruber, and Keld Laursen.vv

On another note, the location is the Zurich "Hausberg", the Uetliberg. It is a really beautiful place, and basically living on the opposite site of Zurich means I have been there way too little over the last few years.

Hier ging es den Berg mit Schlitten hoch

© sharky-san