When it rains, it pours

I am in London this week, to visit my old colleague Stefan Haefliger. It is good seeing him (and his sweet little daughter Emmett). I like to walk around a lot in cities that I do not know well, so I walked from office at Cass Business School back to my hotel.

No, that is NOT the university where I am a guest researcher…

And then it rained! The Dailymail titled it “Commuter chaos across southern England as four major London stations are closed due to flooding when torrential thunderstorms dump a MONTH’S rain on the capital in hours” (and has impressive pictures of flooded stations)

That large spike yesterday is when I was out there! (img:โ“’Ben Lee-Rodgers)

The nicest weather data I could find was from nw3weather.co.uk (thanks, Mr. Lee-Rodgers) which recorded a rain rate of 60 mm/h (16:31) and a daily amount of rain of 24.2 mm just on Sep 24th. There is an average monthly rainfall of 34.6 mm, so it was not quite a month’s of rain in a day, but close enough for me to get soaked.

All photos except the weather chart are (c) by me and under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.